By Wheat on Wednesday, 05 March 2014
Category: Social Media

Videos as Social Media

Talking heads, animations walking across a website, and audio files...all geared to engage the listener/viewer and (hopefully) get a desired response.

Videos are really hitting their stride these days. I remember back to the early days of website development in which you had a choice of two things: an expensive (thousands of dollars) video for your site or the home-grown version that was shall I say it...something the dog would not bother dragging outside!

Now, however, there are more resources for the do-it-yourself video. And, they don't HAVE to look terrible. However, we still recommend for clients that if you want a video talking to your clients about your services: Have A PROFESSIONAL DO IT FOR YOU! (If you need one, we have 3 we can recommend.)

Why a video? Well...the link to a blog video below talks more about why you should have one. Basically:

 More personal

 Our culture is used to watching TV: so seeing you discuss things with them is more readily comprehended...assuming your message is well written and the video is done well.

 If someone is trying to determine whether to use your services or not, seeing you talk to them may help break down any hesitations or any fear/anxiety on their part.
Here's the blog video link: