Our Blog About Blogging

Tips and Tales from Decades of Internet Marketing, Writing, and Blogging.

Comments on a Page?

You can allow comments on a page or not allow them. In the discussion section select how you wish to handle comments.Here's more information: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-to-allow-comments-on-pages

  5493 Hits

Tips to Increase Your Blog Comments

SocialMedia Examiner has some tips to increase your blog comments. But - watch out, they have a popup that loads in immediately upon arriving at their site.http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/7-tips-to-increase-your-blog-comments/

  5882 Hits


Here's a great plugin to help you work on your SEO for your blog.You can configure meta-data (that's the stuff viewer don't necessarily see but search engines do see) in your posts, pages, categories, etc. You can define your tags, keywords, meta descriptions, site name, and more. You can even add Google Analytics, Google Webmaster, and more...I se...

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  4989 Hits

W3 Total Cache

Some say this is the top plugin you should use. Why?It makes your pages load in more quickly...but hey - read the description on WordPress...it's a good, full description.http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-super-cache/ 

  5126 Hits

These 2 Top Bloggers Do NOT Allow Comments.

Most people consider allowing comments to their blog as simply the way you do things. But, there are some very important things to consider. Here's a few of my own thoughts: If you have a website under your company name, or a company website, comments can reflect upon your company.If you want to allow comments: you may want to check the setting so ...

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  4439 Hits

Stickiness Can Be Good

I can use a "sticky" widget to a post...making it stay in a certain position. Here's a link to the one we use: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-sticky/ But, here's a link to a number of sticky plug-ins: http://wordpress.org/search/sticky

  4512 Hits

Linking to an Outside Website

Make certain you set any links to "open in a new window" when you link to another site. Try to not ever have visitors to your site move out of your site to another site...and then not have your website page still open. To link: highlight the text you wish to link, click on that link icon in your visual editor, and you'll see a pallet popup. Into th...

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  4470 Hits

SEO: Metatags on a Picture

To help increase your site's SEO rankings, add metatags to your pictures. Directions: After inserting your picture, click on the picture. You'll see a little icon on the upper left of the image and popup text saying "Edit Image". You'll have a nice, full pallet to edit and add information to your image. Add the keyword phrase to the field saying "A...

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  4483 Hits

Sticky or Announcement or Normal?

Here's a quick note: Announcements always stay at the beginning at the top ... Sticky posts will remain on the top of all posts for that day.

  4383 Hits
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